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Metagenome-assembled genome: SRR1562003_bin.15_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG

BioSample: SAMEA14037437; SRA: ERS11640717
uncultured Methanoculleus sp.
cellular organisms; Archaea; Methanobacteriati; Methanobacteriota; Stenosarchaea group; Methanomicrobia; Methanomicrobiales; Methanomicrobiaceae; Methanoculleus; environmental samples
collection date2013-04-21
broad-scale environmental contextEngineered
local-scale environmental contextFood production
environmental mediumFood production
geographic locationChina
investigation typemetagenome-assembled genome
isolation sourcefood production metagenome
project nameChinese liquor is produced by a solid-state fermentation process used for hundreds of years. The process is carried out in rectangular soil pits, whose walls have been layered with a fermentation mud. The age of these this layer is believed to influence final liquor quality and the microbes resident here form the inoculum for fermentation. Microbial diversity in these layers is poorly understood. This is the first report which describes a deep metagenomic sequencing based study to reveal the microbial diversity from 24 pits of varying ages, 20, 30, 50, 140, 220, 350, 400 and 440 years.
sample nameSRR1562003_bin.15_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
External IdSAMEA14037437
INSDC center aliasEBI
INSDC center nameEuropean Bioinformatics Institute
INSDC first public2023-01-03T00:32:14Z
INSDC last update2023-01-03T00:32:14Z
INSDC statuspublic
Submitter IdSRR1562003_bin.15_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
assembly qualityMultiple fragments where gaps span repetitive regions. Presence of the 23S, 16S, and 5S rRNA genes and at least 18 tRNAs
assembly softwaremetaspadesv3.12.0
binning parametersDefault
binning softwareCONCOCT v1.1
broker nameEMG broker account, EMBL-EBI
completeness score99.67
completeness softwareCheckM
contamination score0.65
geographic location (latitude)28.88
geographic location (longitude)105.45
metagenomic sourcefood production metagenome
sample derived fromSAMN03018326
scientific_nameuncultured Methanoculleus sp.
sequencing methodIllumina HiSeq 2000
taxonomic identity markermulti-marker approach

This sample represents a Third Party Annotation (TPA) Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG) assembled from the metagenomic run SRR1562003 of study SRP046072.

PRJEB51073 Large-scale analysis of novel cellular microbes from the food production biome
Retrieve all samples from this project

EBI; 2023-01-04

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