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Metagenome-assembled genome: ERR710424_bin.27_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG

BioSample: SAMEA14085104; SRA: ERS11688236
Collinsella provencensis
cellular organisms; Bacteria; Bacillati; Actinomycetota; Coriobacteriia; Coriobacteriales; Coriobacteriaceae; Collinsella
collection date2013-01-01
broad-scale environmental contextHost-associated
local-scale environmental contextHuman
environmental mediumDigestive system
geographic locationAustria
investigation typemetagenome-assembled genome
isolation sourcehuman gut metagenome
project nameColorectal cancer, a commonly diagnosed cancer in the elderly, often develops slowly from benign polyps called adenoma. The gut microbiota, with its critical roles in nutrient metabolism and immune modulation, is believed to be directly involved in colorectal carcinogenesis. The identity and functional capacity of the adenoma- or carcinoma-related gut microbe(s), however, have not been surveyed in a comprehensive manner. Here we perform metagenomewide association study (MGWAS) on stools from healthy controls, advanced adenoma and carcinoma patients, revealing gene markers from over 100 bacterial strains enriched in each group.
sample nameERR710424_bin.27_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
External IdSAMEA14085104
INSDC center aliasEBI
INSDC center nameEuropean Bioinformatics Institute
INSDC first public2023-01-03T00:33:45Z
INSDC last update2023-01-03T00:33:45Z
INSDC statuspublic
Submitter IdERR710424_bin.27_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
assembly qualityMany fragments with little to no review of assembly other than reporting of standard assembly statistics
assembly softwaremetaspadesv3.11.1
binning parametersDefault
binning softwareCONCOCT v1.1
broker nameEMG broker account, EMBL-EBI
completeness score91.91
completeness softwareCheckM
contamination score7.46
geographic location (latitude)47.80151
geographic location (longitude)13.04292
metagenomic sourcehuman gut metagenome
sample derived fromSAMEA3178944
scientific_nameCollinsella provencensis
sequencing methodIllumina HiSeq 2000
taxonomic identity markermulti-marker approach

This sample represents a Third Party Annotation (TPA) Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG) assembled from the metagenomic run ERR710424 of study ERP008729.

PRJEB51075 Large-scale analysis of novel cellular microbes from the human gut biome
Retrieve all samples from this project

EBI; 2023-01-04

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