collection date | 2020-04-14 |
broad-scale environmental context | marine biome [ENVO:00000447] |
local-scale environmental context | microbial feature [ENVO:00002150] |
environmental medium | coastal sea water [ENVO:00002150] |
geographic location | North Sea |
investigation type | metagenome-assembled genome |
isolation source | marine water |
project name | 2020 Helgoland Spring Bloom Metagenomes |
sample name | ILMN-20200414-m40 |
ENA-FIRST-PUBLIC | 2022-09-23 |
ENA-LAST-UPDATE | 2022-09-23 |
External Id | SAMEA110069065 |
INSDC center alias | Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology |
INSDC center name | Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology |
INSDC first public | 2022-09-23T08:24:32Z |
INSDC last update | 2022-09-23T08:24:32Z |
INSDC status | public |
Submitter Id | ILMN-20200414-m40 |
assembly quality | Many fragments with little to no review of assembly other than reporting of standard assembly statistics |
assembly software | SPADES v3.10 |
binning parameters | anvi'o 6.2, default parameters |
binning software | CONCOCT v1.1.0, MaxBin2 v2.2.7, Metabat2 v2.12.1, Binsanity v0.4.4, and integration using DAS_Tool v1.1.2. Manual refinement with anvi'o v6.2 |
completeness score | 84.94 |
completeness software | CheckM v1.1.3 |
contamination score | 1.97 |
geographic location (latitude) | 54.19 |
geographic location (longitude) | 7.9 |
metagenomic source | marine metagenome |
sample derived from | ERS12037269 |
sequencing method | Illumina HiSeq 3000 |
taxonomic identity marker | multi-marker approach (GTDB-tk v1.7, GTDB v202) |