Tissues: Germinated seed and seedlings (1, 2, 8, 11 DAG), Mixed mature tissures (17, 21, 38, 69, 77 DAG), Kernels (3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, DAP), Adventious roots (65 DAG), Tassel (3-39 cm, 53 and 56 DAG), Immature ear (0.2-3.0 cm, 53, 56, 59 DAG), Husk (73 DAG), Silk, unpollinated first ear, ear shank, etiolated seedlings, callus, Cycloheximide-treated callus, Anaerobic treated seedlings, NAA (a-Naphthalene acetic acid)-treated seedlings, Kinetin-treated seedlings, ACPC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylix acid)-treated seedlings, Brassinolide-treated seedlings, ABA (Abscisic acid)-treated seedlings, GA (Gibberellic acid)-treated seedlings, JA (Jasmonic acid)-treated seedlings. ds-cDNA molecules were generated as follows. First-strand cDNA was prepared from oligo-dT selected mRNA by priming with a NotI oligo-dT primer (5' AACTGGAAGAATTCGCGGCCGCAGGAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT). The resulting DNA:RNA hybrid was treated with RNase H and used as a template for DNA PolI-catalyzed second strand synthesis. After the addition of EcoRI adaptors, the ds-cDNAs were digested with NotI and size-selected. The resulting molecules were directionally cloned into the EcoRI and NotI sites of the pT7T3PAC vector. The library then went through one round of normalization to CoT value of 5 based on the methods of Marcelo Bento Soares (Genome Research 6: 791-806, 1996).