we compared hybrid assemblies for 6 bacterial isolates, including the reference strains Escherichia coli using next generation sequencing (NGS) short reads sequencing, single tube long fragment reads (stLFR) sequencing and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing platforms.
More...we compared hybrid assemblies for 6 bacterial isolates, including the reference strains Escherichia coli using next generation sequencing (NGS) short reads sequencing, single tube long fragment reads (stLFR) sequencing and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing platforms. We obtained the complete genomes assembled by the hybrid assembler Unicycler using ONT and NGS reads, and the other complete genomes de novo assembled by using stLFR and ONT reads. Meanwhile, the long-read-only assembly genomes by Canu with NGS reads base correction, the chromosome-level assembly genomes by Athena with stLFR reads and the draft assembly genomes by SPAdes with NGS data were obtained for the 3 different sequencing strategies comparison.