Genome Information for Clostridium beijerinckii
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269 additional projects are components of the Genomic insights into Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation by sequencing solventogenic Clostridia strains.
Genomic insights into acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation by sequencing solventogenic clostridia strains
Accession | PRJNA624883 |
Data Type | Genome sequencing and assembly |
Scope | Monoisolate |
Organism | Clostridium beijerinckii[Taxonomy ID: 1520] Bacteria; Bacillati; Bacillota; Clostridia; Eubacteriales; Clostridiaceae; Clostridium; Clostridium beijerinckii |
Publications | Liew FE et al., "Carbon-negative production of acetone and isopropanol by gas fermentation at industrial pilot scale.", Nat Biotechnol, 2022 Mar;40(3):335-344 |
Grants | - "Bioenergy Technologies Incubator 2: Development of a Sustainable Green Chemistry Platform for Production of Acetone and downstream drop-in fuel and commodity products directly from Biomass Syngas via a Novel Energy Conserving Route in Engineered Acetogenic Bacteria." (Grant ID DE-EE0007566, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO))
Submission | Registration date: 17-Aug-2020 LanzaTech Inc |
Related Resources | |
Relevance | Industrial |
Locus Tag Prefix | HGI36 |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
Nucleotide (WGS master) | 1 |
Publications |
PubMed | 1 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 1 |
Assembly | 1 |