5FU7: drosophila nanos NBR peptide bound to the NOT module of the human CCR4-NOT complex

PDB ID: 5FU7Download
MMDB ID: 137742
PDB Deposition Date: 2016/1/21
Updated in MMDB: 2016/05
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 3.1  Å
Source Organism:
Homo sapiens
Similar Structures:
Molecular Components in 5FU7
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (8 molecules)
Ccr4-not Transcription Complex Subunit 1
Molecule annotation
Ccr4-not Transcription Complex Subunit 2
Molecule annotation
Ccr4-not Transcription Complex Subunit 3
Molecule annotation
Nanos, Isoform B
Molecule annotation
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB