SLC26 (solute carrier 26)/SulP family anion transporter mediates the transport of anions such as bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate and/or oxalate; similar to mammalian chloride anion exchanger and Neurospora crassa sulfate permease 2
high affinity sulphate transporter 1; The SulP family is a large and ubiquitous family with ...
high affinity sulphate transporter 1; The SulP family is a large and ubiquitous family with over 30 sequenced members derived from bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Many organisms including Bacillus subtilis, Synechocystis sp, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana and Caenorhabditis elegans possess multiple SulP family paralogues. Many of these proteins are functionally characterized, and all are sulfate uptake transporters. Some transport their substrate with high affinities, while others transport it with relatively low affinities. Most function by SO42- :H+symport, but SO42- :HCO3- antiport has been reported for the rat protein (spP45380). The bacterial proteins vary in size from 434 residues to 566 residues with one exception, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein with 784 residues. The eukaryotic proteins vary in size from 611 residues to 893 residues with one exception, a protein designated "early nodulin 70 protein" from Glycine max which is reported to be of 485 residues. Thus, the eukaryotic proteins are almost without exception larger than the prokaryotic proteins. These proteins exhibit 10-13 putative transmembrane a-helical spanners (TMSs) depending on the protein. The phylogenetic tree for the SulP family reveals five principal branches. Three of these are bacterial specific as follows: one bears a single protein from M. tuberculosis; a second bears two proteins, one from M. tuberculosis, the other from Synechocystis sp, and the third bears all remaining prokaryotic proteins. The remaining two clusters bear only eukaryotic proteins with the animal proteins all localized to one branch and the plant and fungal proteins localized to the other. The generalized transport reactions catalyzed by SulP family proteins are: (1) SO42- (out) + nH+ (out) --> SO42- (in) + nH+ (in). (2) SO42- (out) + nHCO3- (in) SO42- (in) + nHCO3- (out). [Transport and binding proteins, Anions]
Pssm-ID: 273284 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 552 Bit Score: 279.99 E-value: 7.67e-86
Sulfate permease family; This family of integral membrane proteins are known as the Sulfate ...
Sulfate permease family; This family of integral membrane proteins are known as the Sulfate Permease (SulP) family. SulP is a large family found in all domains of life. Although sulfate is a commonly transported ion there are many other activities in this family. See the TCDB description for a comprehensive summary.
Pssm-ID: 459995 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 379 Bit Score: 269.12 E-value: 8.28e-84
Sulphate Transporter and Anti-Sigma factor antagonist domain of SulP-like sulfate transporters, ...
Sulphate Transporter and Anti-Sigma factor antagonist domain of SulP-like sulfate transporters, plays a role in the function and regulation of the transport activity, proposed general NTP binding function; The SulP family is a large and diverse family of anion transporters, with members from eubacteria, plants, fungi, and mammals. They contain 10 to 14 transmembrane helices which form the catalytic core of the protein and a C-terminal extension, the STAS (Sulphate Transporter and AntiSigma factor antagonist) domain which plays a role in the function and regulation of the transport activity. The STAS domain is found in the C-terminal region of sulphate transporters and bacterial anti-sigma factor antagonists. It has been suggested that this domain may have a general NTP binding function.
Pssm-ID: 132913 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 107 Bit Score: 63.80 E-value: 1.99e-12
high affinity sulphate transporter 1; The SulP family is a large and ubiquitous family with ...
high affinity sulphate transporter 1; The SulP family is a large and ubiquitous family with over 30 sequenced members derived from bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Many organisms including Bacillus subtilis, Synechocystis sp, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana and Caenorhabditis elegans possess multiple SulP family paralogues. Many of these proteins are functionally characterized, and all are sulfate uptake transporters. Some transport their substrate with high affinities, while others transport it with relatively low affinities. Most function by SO42- :H+symport, but SO42- :HCO3- antiport has been reported for the rat protein (spP45380). The bacterial proteins vary in size from 434 residues to 566 residues with one exception, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein with 784 residues. The eukaryotic proteins vary in size from 611 residues to 893 residues with one exception, a protein designated "early nodulin 70 protein" from Glycine max which is reported to be of 485 residues. Thus, the eukaryotic proteins are almost without exception larger than the prokaryotic proteins. These proteins exhibit 10-13 putative transmembrane a-helical spanners (TMSs) depending on the protein. The phylogenetic tree for the SulP family reveals five principal branches. Three of these are bacterial specific as follows: one bears a single protein from M. tuberculosis; a second bears two proteins, one from M. tuberculosis, the other from Synechocystis sp, and the third bears all remaining prokaryotic proteins. The remaining two clusters bear only eukaryotic proteins with the animal proteins all localized to one branch and the plant and fungal proteins localized to the other. The generalized transport reactions catalyzed by SulP family proteins are: (1) SO42- (out) + nH+ (out) --> SO42- (in) + nH+ (in). (2) SO42- (out) + nHCO3- (in) SO42- (in) + nHCO3- (out). [Transport and binding proteins, Anions]
Pssm-ID: 273284 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 552 Bit Score: 279.99 E-value: 7.67e-86
Sulfate permease family; This family of integral membrane proteins are known as the Sulfate ...
Sulfate permease family; This family of integral membrane proteins are known as the Sulfate Permease (SulP) family. SulP is a large family found in all domains of life. Although sulfate is a commonly transported ion there are many other activities in this family. See the TCDB description for a comprehensive summary.
Pssm-ID: 459995 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 379 Bit Score: 269.12 E-value: 8.28e-84
Sulphate Transporter and Anti-Sigma factor antagonist domain of SulP-like sulfate transporters, ...
Sulphate Transporter and Anti-Sigma factor antagonist domain of SulP-like sulfate transporters, plays a role in the function and regulation of the transport activity, proposed general NTP binding function; The SulP family is a large and diverse family of anion transporters, with members from eubacteria, plants, fungi, and mammals. They contain 10 to 14 transmembrane helices which form the catalytic core of the protein and a C-terminal extension, the STAS (Sulphate Transporter and AntiSigma factor antagonist) domain which plays a role in the function and regulation of the transport activity. The STAS domain is found in the C-terminal region of sulphate transporters and bacterial anti-sigma factor antagonists. It has been suggested that this domain may have a general NTP binding function.
Pssm-ID: 132913 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 107 Bit Score: 63.80 E-value: 1.99e-12
STAS domain; The STAS (after Sulphate Transporter and AntiSigma factor antagonist) domain is ...
STAS domain; The STAS (after Sulphate Transporter and AntiSigma factor antagonist) domain is found in the C terminal region of Sulphate transporters and bacterial antisigma factor antagonists. It has been suggested that this domain may have a general NTP binding function.
Pssm-ID: 426404 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 106 Bit Score: 41.06 E-value: 2.38e-04
Database: CDSEARCH/cdd Low complexity filter: no Composition Based Adjustment: yes E-value threshold: 0.01
Wang J et al. (2023), "The conserved domain database in 2023", Nucleic Acids Res.51(D)384-8.
Lu S et al. (2020), "The conserved domain database in 2020", Nucleic Acids Res.48(D)265-8.
Marchler-Bauer A et al. (2017), "CDD/SPARCLE: functional classification of proteins via subfamily domain architectures.", Nucleic Acids Res.45(D)200-3.
of the residues that compose this conserved feature have been mapped to the query sequence.
Click on the triangle to view details about the feature, including a multiple sequence alignment
of your query sequence and the protein sequences used to curate the domain model,
where hash marks (#) above the aligned sequences show the location of the conserved feature residues.
The thumbnail image, if present, provides an approximate view of the feature's location in 3 dimensions.
Click on the triangle for interactive 3D structure viewing options.
Functional characterization of the conserved domain architecture found on the query.
Click here to see more details.
This image shows a graphical summary of conserved domains identified on the query sequence.
The Show Concise/Full Display button at the top of the page can be used to select the desired level of detail: only top scoring hits
(labeled illustration) or all hits
(labeled illustration).
Domains are color coded according to superfamilies
to which they have been assigned. Hits with scores that pass a domain-specific threshold
(specific hits) are drawn in bright colors.
Others (non-specific hits) and
superfamily placeholders are drawn in pastel colors.
if a domain or superfamily has been annotated with functional sites (conserved features),
they are mapped to the query sequence and indicated through sets of triangles
with the same color and shade of the domain or superfamily that provides the annotation. Mouse over the colored bars or triangles to see descriptions of the domains and features.
click on the bars or triangles to view your query sequence embedded in a multiple sequence alignment of the proteins used to develop the corresponding domain model.
The table lists conserved domains identified on the query sequence. Click on the plus sign (+) on the left to display full descriptions, alignments, and scores.
Click on the domain model's accession number to view the multiple sequence alignment of the proteins used to develop the corresponding domain model.
To view your query sequence embedded in that multiple sequence alignment, click on the colored bars in the Graphical Summary portion of the search results page,
or click on the triangles, if present, that represent functional sites (conserved features)
mapped to the query sequence.
Concise Display shows only the best scoring domain model, in each hit category listed below except non-specific hits, for each region on the query sequence.
(labeled illustration) Standard Display shows only the best scoring domain model from each source, in each hit category listed below for each region on the query sequence.
(labeled illustration) Full Display shows all domain models, in each hit category below, that meet or exceed the RPS-BLAST threshold for statistical significance.
(labeled illustration) Four types of hits can be shown, as available,
for each region on the query sequence:
specific hits meet or exceed a domain-specific e-value threshold
(illustrated example)
and represent a very high confidence that the query sequence belongs to the same protein family as the sequences use to create the domain model
non-specific hits
meet or exceed the RPS-BLAST threshold for statistical significance (default E-value cutoff of 0.01, or an E-value selected by user via the
advanced search options)
the domain superfamily to which the specific and non-specific hits belong
multi-domain models that were computationally detected and are likely to contain multiple single domains
Retrieve proteins that contain one or more of the domains present in the query sequence, using the Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool
Modify your query to search against a different database and/or use advanced search options